Instructions: The goal of You Ate My Veggie Patch is to successfully eat all of your opponent's vegetable gardens before they eat your own. To begin, both players should sit facing each other with two boards each and a screen shielding the boards from the other's view. One board is used to track your own vegetable gardens and the other to track your opponent's. Each player is to place ten gardens (1 lettuce, 2 sweet potato, 3 dandelion, and 4 coriander) on their farmland in horizontal or vertical (not diagonal) positions across the grids of the land. Players may not move gardens after the game begins. The players take it in turns to call out a coordinate (e.g. A1) to designate which area of the opponent's farmland they are attacking. The opponent is then to say whether the coordinate fell on one of their gardens, rendering it attacked and that part of the garden eaten. Eaten sections of garden are designated with the red game pieces. When an entire garden has been eaten, the affected player is to remove it from their farmland and announce to their opponent that their garden has been completely eaten. The first player to have all their gardens completely eaten loses the game.
Note about ordering: The manufacturer that produces this game is print-on-demand. Depending on how many games they have on order, it can take a few weeks for them to actually print the game and send it to you. If you intend to buy this game as a present, please allow two months for it to arrive.